If Chris Rock Cared about Obesity...
Truly, if fighting obesity were Chris Rock's "thing," that'd be what he tell us all.
Instead we have volumes of studies from Harvard and every other respected academic institution and research center telling us that there's no medical need to gain extra fat once we're full grown. That's about 18 for a female and 22 for a male.
Actually, the studies underscore that even a modest gain in extra fat of 10-20 pounds can have a material impact on one's health, increasing the risk of disease and premature death.
So having our wedding gowns, tuxes, prom dresses, parachute pants, acid-wash jeans, etc. still fit--should be no problem. If we entered adulthood at a healthy weight, there's every reason to believe we should be maintaining that healthy weight.
But what do most of us do?? The typical American couple gains an average of 25 pounds (per person) post-nuptials. YIKES! This can lead to problems in the marriage, the bedroom, fertility... and of course, can wreak havoc on one's self-esteem. And WARNING, if one spouse gains weight, there's a 37% increase in likelihood that the other spouse will too...
That's where the Wedding Gown Challenge comes in... Forget bridal bootcamps and months of starvation leading up to "the big day"--all in an effort to "give good pose" for the wedding photog. It's a dangerous kick-off to frequently a life-long cycle of dangerous yo-yo dieting. Chances are, like 95% of others who attempt fad diets, the weight lost will come right back, and bring extra L.B.s with it!
Instead, go into your Wedding Day at a healthy weight, maintain that weight, and rear the next generation of healthy-eating, healthy-exercising, healthy-weight children.
Congratulations to each one of you who's doing the day-to-day, hour-to-hour, saying-no-thanks-to-the-next-temptation hard work of keeping healthy by making excellent food choices and committing to daily exercise!
From the U.K. to San Francisco, and everywhere else, women around the world are "getting it out and getting it on"--their wedding gowns that is.
Hooray for your efforts! Hooray if the zipper went up without a catch! And hooray for you if you're still working on it!
See you next year! Same time, same place, same gown...
Wulan Guritno Siap Jadi Anggota DPR

Hal itu dilakukan Wulan karena menyadari hidupnya telah ditetapkan untuk menekuni dunia politik.
"Saya merasa ini adalah pilihan hidup saya. Mungkin memang sudah saatnya saya ikut menyumbangkan pikiran saya untuk negara," ujar Wulan Guritno yang ditemui di kediaman Pepeng, Perumahan Bumi Pusaka, Cinere, Depok, Rabu (30/7/2008).
Tak hanya itu, calon istri Adilla Dimitri ini menyatakan dirinya siap menjadi anggota DPR. Untuk itu, ia bergabung dalam Partai Amanat Nasional (PAN).
The Tale of The Clingy Veil
I did pack an "emergency" kit for both my fiancé and I…but neither included static cling remover.
One of my 'maids did mention hearing that aerosol hairspray works to stop the cling…so I pulled a travel size one out of my kit and my now Mother In Law went to town spraying my veil.
It did seem to work for a little bit, but I don't know if it was a combination of the air conditioner against my taffeta dress, or what - but it still remained clingy. Needless to say, it needed to be sprayed several times…and be adjusted through the day. Here I am adjusting it for the seemingly millionth time ;)
It didn't "ruin" the day by any stretch of the imagination…but it was slightly annoying. So Brides To Be - don't forget your static cling remover!
Anak Sarah Azhari Trauma karena Pose Seksi

Menurut adik kandung Ayu Azhari itu putranya Albani takut ketika melihat lampu kamera. Hal itu bermula ketika foto-foto Sarah yang diambil oleh kamera tersembunyi di kamar mandi beredar tahun 2003 silam.
"Ya dia trauma saat foto-foto aku yang waktu di kamar mandi itu dicuri. Kan muncul tuh di koran-koran. Teman-temannya banyak yang nanya. Ya tapi kataku 'Ya mau bagaimana lagi nak?'," ujarnya saat berbincang dengan detikhot di Cafe Pisa Menteng, Selasa (29/7/2008).
Without Cristiano Ronaldo, Manchester wins friendly in South Africa
The Manchester won easily, with gols of Ryan Giggs and Wayne Rooney and of the newcomers Fraizer Campbell and Tom Cleverly.
The Manchester had already played with Kaizer Chiefs, last Saturday, and had drawn for 1 to 1.
The lawyers of Cristiano Ronaldo sent an official notice this Saturday to the Portuguese and English press denying that Portuguese has spent € 12 thousand in alcoholic drinks during a night out in Los Angeles, since it published the newspaper " Daily Mirror " in the last week.
In accordance with the diary, the Portuguese squandered the money with bottles of wine, vodka and champagne. It is worth remembering: the expert is in Los Angeles doing treatment to be recovered of the surgery that suffered in the ankle, while Manchester United already does daily pay-season in the South Africa.
According to the lawyers of the athlete, the history is a lie. In the notice, Cristiano Ronaldo affirms not to have ingested alcoholic drink in his passage for the United States and, as usual, it hardly eats away water and juice when it goes out in the night.
The representatives of the player affirm still that the expert did not release in any moment the crutches and that the whole treatment of Cristiano Ronaldo in the USA has been accompanied by the physiotherapist Antonio Gaspar, of the Portuguese team.
Alex Ferguson defend Cristiano Ronaldo
The trainer of Manchester United, Alex Ferguson, came guaranteeing public that the presence of Cristiano Ronaldo in Los Angeles has the permission of the club.
« There is none badly in having gone for there. He did some commercial announcements. We have there someone with him », it secured the Scottish technician, adding that the travel to the United States was already scheduled.
On the comparisons of Ronaldo's way of life with the ancient expert of the club, the Englishman David Beckham, Ferguson apologized doing any type of comment, preferring to remember that « any young player is going to catch the attention ». « The important thing is to know as they deal with that », it added.
Pro Pics Coming Soon!
Taisho Chic at the Gallery

The Art Gallery of NSW, in Sydney's Domain, is such a cool place. Apart from the great location, and intriguing, totally hypnotic Aboriginal Art section, there is a stunning permanent collection of Asian arts, classic European paintings and contemporary Australia works, plus travelling exhibitions from around the globe. Earlier this week i took my Mum to see the current exhibition there called "Taisho Chic - Japanese Modernity, Nostalgia and Deco"... in a word - BEAUTIFUL! Although it's small and compact, the exquisite collection of kimono's, paintings, silk screens, funky tea-cups and pretty little fans and knick-knacks was unique, often quite quirky, and just fascinating! A real snap-shot of life back then, very well-presented, and very educational AND inspiring...
Showing works from approx the 1910-1930's period, it demonstrated how Japanese women were suddenly able to embrace parts of Western culture & fashion, without losing their own strong traditions and still staying respectable and feminine. It was a time of big changes, and fashion was enabling women to express themselves more than ever before. Some of the kimono prints and colour combinations look like they are from the 1980's or beyond- until you look at the program and realize it was from around 1930 or so... amazing. This show runs til 3rd August, and i thoroughly recommend it to anyone here in Sydney, the guided tour starts at 1pm daily. http://www.artgallery.nsw.gov.au/exhibitions/current/taisho_chic LOVED IT!!!! xx lisa
Family Bridal Showers
Leading up to my Bridal Showers (I had two - one in Ottawa from my Mom's side of the family and one in Wooler from Patrick's side) I was very excited…not really for the presents, but to see my family. This was going to be the first time in several months that I would be seeing my family - and I couldn't wait!
Because we live on the other side of the country, the gifts were mainly gift cards to the store where we registered - which was great :) I don't know if it was because I was majorly overwhelmed with my family's generosity, because I was opening gift cards instead of actual gifts, or if it was because everyone is watching as I opened these gifts, but my Bridal Showers were a pretty emotional experience for me.
Any Bridal Shower that I have attended involved the guests oohhing and aawwing as each gift is opened…often the gift will then get passed around. However, when you are opening mainly gift cards…there is not much for your guests to look at…I found it very awkward…but I also felt very lucky for all of the generous gifs!
I was so overwhelmed, that at one point at my Wooler shower I actually began forgetting the guests names (they were all people that I have spent significant amounts of time with over the last 9 years! How could I forget who was Aunt Judy and who was Aunt Cathy??). I also became very overwhelmed once the gifts were all opened and it was time to say a little impromptu thank you speech - I was literally left speechless, and actually began to well up with tears a little bit - it was not fun (and very embarrassing)! One of my cousin-in-laws noticed and asked me what was wrong, because I usually don't act like this. She was right, I don't normally act that way…I'm usually the one who likes to be in charge…not have the situation in charge of me…very bizarre...
The Bridal Shower experience did make me become a little more aware of myself. I've realized that I love planning, hosting and even being recognized for a job well done. However, I do NOT like being the center of attention! Pretty hard when you are a Bride and people are hosting parties for you!
The whole Bridal Shower thing is a weird experiences in itself. I mean, here I was at my Bridal Showers, receiving tons of gifts for doing absolutely nothing. I didn't feel like I deserved it - it was my choice to get married - nobody was making me…why were they giving me all of these wonderful gifts. It was a very strange feeling. I can even understand the concept of giving a wedding gift…something to commemorate the special occasion for the new married couple - but, the Bridal Showers were a little harder for me to grasp.
In the end I am extremely grateful to all the people who cared so much to host such wonderful Bridal Showers, and to my guests who not only astounded me with their generosity, but took the time to attend an event held especially for me. It is really wonderful to feel so much love in one room.
However, I am SO glad that I NEVER have to experience having a Bridal Shower again!!!
At the actual Showers we played the usual Shower games…bridal word jumble, remember what the Bride is wearing once she's left the room, etc. etc. At the Wooler Shower, the hosts even organized "video advice" - where the guests tape-record advice for me. The wedding week was so busy I still haven't had a change to watch it…the video is back in Ontario, so I'll have to wait until my next visit to see it.
At the Wooler Shower a one of the guests made this FABULOUS Barbie cake - how cool is this? I've *always wanted to have a Barbie cake…and at one of my Showers I finally did - whoot!
One of my favourite things that I took away from the Bridal Showers were these group pictures:
During the shower I passed around a basic white photo mat to those that attended and asked them to sign it. I framed the above two pictures and plan to hang them in our front bedroom upstairs…otherwise known as the "craft/reading/alternate-TV room." Every time I look at the pictures I'm reminded of all the love… :)
Miss Sandra Angelia - Miss Indonesia 2008
Miss Indonesia 2008
At the Jakarta Convention Center on the night of 13th May Sandra Angelia from East Java became Miss Indonesia 2008, chosen by a seven panel jury which included our hyper-nationalist politician friend from Golkar Yudhi Chrisnandi. Sandra was also chosen as Miss Favorit by the SMS voting masses.
Also Ran
Kartika Indah Pelapory from Maluku was Runner Up I while Priscilla Yvonne Supit from North Sulawesi was Runner Up II, but enough about them.
Preacher Man’s Daughter
Sandra is the happy result of a union between Christian pastor Yusak Hadisiswantoro and Asti Tanuseputra. Her grandfather, Abraham Alex Tanuseputra, is the founder of the Bethany “Successful Families” Church.
Eastern Values Girl
Sandra says she is not at all used to wearing skimpy, revealing clothing, and she is very aware that as a preacher’s daughter she has to be careful in this area.
On the vitally important bikini issue (see past Indonesian beauty pageant winners’ problems with this - Nadine Chandrawinata) Sandra was asked by journalists - would she be willing to wear a bikini at Miss World 2008 in the Ukraine? Sandra says
I have to wear a swimsuit in the competition, that’s no problem. But if it can be negotiated I will stick to eastern values, that is I will wear a one-piece swimsuit.
Sandra is an educated girl and after fleeing Indonesia at the age of 13 in the wake of the May 1998 riots she eventually studied architecture at the University of Western Australia in Perth. This may or may not have helped her face the final key question put by the judges, this being
Indonesia is a country rich in natural wealth but so many of its people are very poor and it is a largely agrarian economy. Which economic sector would you prioritise if you were leader?
Sandra took the crowd by surprise, and won the admiration of the judges, by going off on a tangent that the most important thing was to ensure that the law was upheld and applied properly in Indonesia, and that other things would follow from this.
Triumphant moment.
“ To go to Madrid would be the worst for Ronaldo
" Last year he signed a contract of five years with the club and they still remain four years to do. It is definite. I saw his signature ", the trainer of the red devils curled, adopting a position of force in the arm from iron with the meringues and the player. " After the end of the Champions, Ronaldo was the happiest boy in the World. I think that he knows which is the best club to be and that club is Manchester United ", he concluded.
Meantime, Cristiano Ronaldo "dribbles" in the beach
The international Portuguese seem to had liked the sun of the Uncle Sam's lands. Cristiano Ronaldo has been an assiduous presence in the beaches of Los Angeles and does not pass without attention. He do not even want!
The extreme of Manchester United does not hold in showing all his charm when he sees a beauty and, according to the English tabloid “ The Sun “, which quotes a friend of the expert of the red devils, the trick to conquer them is a blink of the eye.
A thing seems certain: Cristiano Ronaldo is searching for someone to replace Nereida Gallardo.
Real decides between Robinho and Cristiano Ronaldo
If the Portuguese expert does not come, the Spaniards will be going to offer a contract of five years to the Brazilian, that also will have a substantial increase in his salary, passing of 1,8 million for three million euros (around R$ 7,5 millions) anual payment.
However, if Cristiano Ronaldo manage to exchange the Manchester United for the Spanish club, Robinho would be negotiated " to the golden weight ", according to the publication.
Fernando Gago, of Real Madrid, affirmed that if Cristiano Ronaldo goes for his club, it will be welcome. The middle thing added, still, that it does not find him the best player of the world.
“Its a very good player and it seems logical to me that a team as Real Madrid wants to contract it, because all the great clubs are interested in him. I do not know if he is going to be a player of Real Madrid, but if he comes, is going to have the open doors ”, said to the newspaper “ As“ the Argentinian.
GAgo devalues the idea that if Ronaldo goes to the Santiago Bernabéu and to be able to come to derive the most elevated salary of the plantel could destabilize the team.
“ If Cristiano Ronaldo comes tp Real and earn much money it is because it deserves it. In the team he is more one and there is going to be demanded the same as to the remaining players. We are all equals. We are a team and they all must give best his so that they carry out the common objectives ”, it explained.
Questioned if it finds the Portuguese the best player of the world , Gago denies and attributes this statute to his compatriot Messi: " For his way of playing, for the he uses the ball and because he can turn around the score … It has an incredible quality and I adore the form as he lives the football ”.
Cristiano Ronaldo’s Future Still Unclear
The possible transfer from Manchester United to Real Madrid has been one of the longest novels of Ronaldo's history, but it seems be a subject that already does not bother the international Portuguese. « The great players are always besieged by the great clubs. I am not alone. I was already besieged other years », pointed out the player in an interview the ESPN reproduced by the Spanish television LaSexta.
Less nervous than in other occasions, Cristiano Ronaldo says still that he is not "anxious" for the definition of his future and guarantees that he still does not know what’s going to happen. « Only God knows », he said in the end.
Real Madrid is not going to give up of Cristiano Ronaldo, said this Saturday the president of the club, Ramón Calderon, quoted by the newspaper « El Pais».
Real Madrid intends to insists on the employment of the Portuguese extreme Cristiano Ronaldo , in spite of on Friday the trainer of Manchester United, Alex Ferguson, have guaranteed that the player is going to remain in England.
Another Spanish newspaper, «a Marca», says that Ronaldo goes to England in the end of the month to show to the persons in charge of the British club his alleged will of steering to Madrid.
The generality of the press in Spain is convinced that the declaration of yesterday uttered by Ferguson was a maneuver to increase the price of the Portuguese.
Seating Arrangements - Great FREE Online Tool
When it came time to planning out where the tables would go, and who should sit where, I thought I would do something similar to Monica on Friends…you know where she cuts out little round tables and uses different colours pins to place guests at the different tables? Well, it turns out I didn't have to do all of that cutting, because I found that there are a plethora of computer programs available to help me do this!
I think Microsoft Word has some sort of seating arranger, but I never figured out how to use it. And, although there are several great programs that you can purchase, I couldn’t justify the added expense (especially considering we were trying to keep within a budget :)
What I found instead was a FREE online seating arranger from the Bed Bath and Beyond website - crazy, eh?
When you sign up for a wedding registry with this store, they give you access to a "Bridal Toolkit" which includes a Seating Arranger program (amongst a multitude of other handy tools :) So, I signed us up online (even though we don't have a Bed Bath and Beyond anywhere around us, nor did we plan on registering for actual gifts from there…I just wanted the free seating arranger!).
It is a fabulous tool that allows you to place different sized tables, including things like a "Head table," cake tables, podiums, etc. etc. It also not only allows for a full view and printout of the entire table layout, but also a zoomed in version of each table and who is sitting where. I'm probably not explaining it as well as the website can - but it is a FABULOUS tool!
Make sure you leave some time to enter in each of the guests names and such…it can be a little tedious and time consuming - but once you’ve entered it all it, it is smooth sailing from there. After you've finished arranging your tables and your guests at them, you can just print off the whole shebang and hand it over to your Day Of Coordinator, Reception Coordinator, or your family and friends that are helping you setup the room :) It also has the added feature where you can print off your guest lists and include which guest is eating chicken or salmon, food allergies etc (if you offered menu choices). I can't tell you HOW handy this tool is!
I really had fun planning the seating arrangements (believe it or not) - the only really challenging thing that came up, was when I showed people the completed table arrangements. There were a few changes I needed to make…but no worries, I just hopped back onto the computer, made the changes and printed off a new copy - easy peasie!!!
Ronaldo, a little drunk, spends €12 000 in night clubs
Accompanied by the brother, Nuno, and the brother-in-law, José, Cristiano Ronaldo chose the CrownBar for one more night of great liveliness. But it keeps on being his passage for Villa who has been giving what to speak. After the day before yesterday the player have been a piece of news because of having denied the advancements of Paris Hilton, here that the English press talks now about all that the player spent in drinks. The newspaper ‘ Daily Mirror ‘ advances that Cristiano Ronaldo squandered nearly 12 thousand euros in red wine, vodkas and bottles of champagne Crystal.
Between a glass and other and, for great hysteria of many girls who were in the nightclub and who tried to be brought near the expert, he resolved to dance and not only... " He threw the crutches to the ground, but since he is still very painful it was not managing to move very much. To given moment, Ronaldo loosened the buttons of the sweater. The girls adored and vibrated with that ", tells a witness, guaranteeing: " He was looking a little drunk".
After this night out, the player of Manchester United marked presence, the following night, in the prizes ESPN - where it was nominated better international athlete, having lost for the tennis player Rafael Nadal - and from there he followed to Crown Bar.
After a few short holidays, Cristiano Ronaldo has been using the period of recuperation to have a very active social life, but without Nereida.
Indecision is expensive to Cristiano Ronaldo...

The club 'meringue ' will have, suposedly, guaranteed a loan for 70 million euros from a bank institution to acquire Ronaldo's pass. The same newspaper guarantees that Ronaldo will go to Madrid.
Another Spanish magazine, "As" reveals today supposed declarations of Ramón Calderón, president of Really Madrid, to the plantel madridista. The leader moved to the Algarve, where the team is doing a traineeship, and reassured the football players with the next sentence: " Cristiano arrives shortly. "
Meantime, north in the European continent, the English fans look to be losing his patience with all East around Ronaldo. In a friendly play between Manchester United and the Aberdeen, in last Saturday, was possible to read a poster that was saying " Ronaldo slave, out! ". This in allusion to the recent declarations of Joseph Blatter, president of the FIFA, who compared Ronaldo's case with " modern slavery ".
Who also seems to be against the agreements with Ronaldo's possible change for the Spanish capital is Sneijder, one of the stars of Really Madrid. The international Dutchman showed to the newspaper that it might be bad for the team if Ronaldo integrated the plantel meringue.
" It would be bad for the team that he had a salary very much lifted up regarding the companions. I would not mind, but I know that others were not going to like that. Here we players like him for example Robben or Robinho ", affirmed the international Dutch player.
However, Sneijder finished by confessing what he wanted " to play with Ronaldo, though we have to maintain the balance in the team".
As all that was not enough, the Spanish press insisted again, in the last days, that the family Glazer, holder of Manchester United,is ready to negociate the player. Real Madrid, which never hid the wish of counting on Cristiano Ronaldo in his plantel, is ready to spend nearly 85 million euros to 'rescue' the player to the English champions, which can be the biggest nightmare of the trainer Alex Ferguson.
Up to the 31st of August, day in which it shuts in the period of transfer of football players, everything can happen.
Getting Our Marriage Licence
(don't mind the googly eyes ;)
On June 16th, the Monday before the wedding, we drove to Napanee Ontario to apply for our marriage licence. Why did we drive to Napanee instead of getting it in Kingston (where the wedding was) or in Belleville (where we were mainly staying) - well, it was because Napanee charges only $80 instead of Kingston's $110 and Belleville's $100 (I think). Plus, Napanee is about halfway between Kingston and Belleville, so it really wasn't much of an effort to stop in…plus we got to stop by Patrick's old work to say hi to everyone - that was a nice added bonus :)
Anyhoo, getting the marriage licence was rather painless. Just needed appropriate ID, ideally both of us there at the same time applying, and the cash. There are no waiting periods, blood tests etc to get a marriage licence in Ontario - and it was all ready to go within 20 minutes…we were very happy to have this uber important thing crossed off of our list :)
Dress Fitting Review
I used the seamstress that Blush Bridal referred me to - not that I had much of a choice. I had very few options because I purchased my dress online - which was one thing that I hadn't thought of when I ordered my dress. I thought I could take it to an atelier or bridal store and they would happily take my money and do the few alterations I required…so not the case. Some stores had "policies" about not altering dresses purchased online…others "didn't have time" because they had their own clients that had purchased dresses from their stores to worry about - eek! Who woulda thunk it would be such a challenge.
I finally did find a very nice lady through Blush Bridal - I hate to say it, but at this very moment I can't recall her name - I think it is Noshi? At any rate if you call Blush Bridal in Victoria, they'll give you a contact name and number. She doesn't have a website or anything like that.
Anyhoo, my two 'maids and I (my other bridesmaid who lives in Ontario got her Mother In Law to alter her dress - she did a great job!) went into her little shop downtown for our first fitting:

I had MAJOR sticker shock when she tallied up the costs of our alterations. My dress is two layers (very few for a Bridal gown) to hem, a French Bustle to put in, and it needed the bust taken it a little bit - oh and I had cups put in because the bra I purchased could bee seen from the back. Anyhoo, they came to $275 - eep! My dress came to $290 (before tax and shipping) - the alterations were as much as the dress! My bridesmaids, who needed similar, minimal alterations came to $175 each. I agreed to pay for them seeing how there dresses were $250 + each (yes, I realize that that is a crazy amount to spend on a bridesmaid dress…but the needed to be separates and have a maternity option ;)
When we went in for our second fitting, I tried on my dress and discovered that the hem was a wee bit too short…so she had to fix that, but overall I think she did a pretty good job - her prices seemed REALLY high for me though.
Another thing that bugged me was that she only accepted cash or cheque - what the heck?!!? No debit machine and no VISA/MasterCard option - verrrry annoying.
A kind of funny aside to this whole experience, was my negotiation skills. At the end of our original meeting she gave me an invoice for what the costs were going to be. Then, when I went to pick up the dresses, I told her that I felt her prices were very high and was wondering why she was charging so much (everyone I had talked to thought she was charging crazy prices). She tells me that she does "very good work." So, we chat about my concerns some more and she says "I want to make you happy, let me see what I can discount you" - score, right? Well she works it out and says "I'll only charge you $650" - I wasn't thinking clearly because I was kinda embarrassed for bringing up the costs to begin with - but I was really sick of being overcharged because it was wedding related. So I say very appreciatively "thank you" - I was full of glee! I told my then fiancé on what a great discount I scored. But when I get home I realize she gave me a $0.40 discount - LMAO…I feel like such a dork ;p
Total Cost: $650
Rating: B+ (lost some points for the lack of debit/credit acceptance and for the lack of negotiation on her prices)
Manchester would be disposed to negociate Ronaldo with Real Madrid.
The family Glazer, which bought the English club in 2004, gave his OK for the operation because he does not want to remain with a discontented player, which might provoke a devaluation of the Portuguese athlete.
Real Madrid might offer 85 million euros to employ the player, that would be his principal reinforcement for the European season of 2008/2009.
Cristiano Ronaldo is recovering in Portugal of an operation to the ankle, which will leave it out of the lawns during the next three months, already showed his interest of going to the Spanish soccer team.
The gunner of the last season of the English Championship might sign a contract of five years with Real, for which he would gain 9 million euros for season.
The possible transfer of Cristiano Ronaldo to the club of the Spanish capital is one of the principal novels of the interseason of the European soccer. The Manchester arrived, inclusive,to threaten to protest in Fifa for the exaggerated siege to his athlete.
The president of the principal entity of the world-wide soccer, the Swiss Joseph Blatter said that the English club should release Ronaldo to play in Real, if this was the will of the player. The English club answered with irritation that the Portuguese had a contract to be necessary from which he receives a very big salary.
Cover Girl

Ceremony Rehearsal & Our Rehearsal Dinner - Venga La Fiesta!!!

The ceremony rehearsal went off without a hitch. Our Priest Father Stan knew exactly what he was doing, was very clear with direction and had a great sense of humour - bonus!
Although Patrick and I had met with him the previous September to go over the ceremony program we had omitted to select a reader for a couple of items - oops! I didn't know we had to do that…it all worked out though. I did forget to bring a copy of the Ceremony Program - which was kind of annoying…ah well, we rolled with it.
One thing Father Stan told all of us to ease any stress we might have had was that the ceremony needn't be tightly choreographed. He'll tell us what we need to do if we forget. And on the day of the ceremony, her was so right! If everyone is so focused on what they need to do and where they need to be, they are unable to enjoy the ceremony or "be in the moment." For example, after Patrick and I were announced as husband and wife, we were so excited we began heading up the aisle before the organist had begun to play the music. Father Stan whispered to us "not yet" and once we realized what we were doing…as well as the rest of the guests - we all had a little giggle about how excited we were to exit the Church…it was pretty funny. My point is, it will all work out :)
After the ceremony rehearsal, we headed to Belleville, where my awesome new in-laws planned and hosted a FABULOUS Mexican themed Rehearsal Dinner. The decorations were awesome (including a Dora the Explorer piñata, handcrafted and painted cactus, Mexican blankets, tons of Mexican food and divine Margaritas…recipe posted below).
It meant a lot to me to have his parents put so much time and thought into this party…especially with all the Mom stuff going on. You could tell they really cared about this. Plus, it was tons of fun! The people that attended are still telling me how much fun they had and how the my in-laws know how to "throw a party" - very cool! I should also give a shot out to Patrick's Gramma, she too put a lot of effort into the food, and her outfit! She wore a Mexican inspired skirt and blouse…she looked great! Here are some of the pictures of the evening:

Aunt Sue's Margaritas
1 can limeade
1 can tequila (or 1/2 can depending on the type of party you are after ;)
3 bottles of cheap beer (or any beer)
Ice to chill
***Simple and delish!
Queiroz and Ronaldo highlighted in the English press
Carlos Queiroz and Cristiano Ronaldo deserve, this Saturday, special attention of the English journalists.
The majority points to the exit of Carlos Queiroz of Manchester United like a blow in the formation of Alex Ferguson.
The newspaper " The Guardian ", nickname the Portuguese of one of the best trainers of the world, and it writes: " Queiroz chooses Portugal and leaves Ferguson with a headache ".
In "The Times", the article of opinion of Tony Cascarino (ex - international Irishman football player) is entitled: "Number Twowanted with much work but little recognition ". The work of Queiroz is pointed out in the result of the United and in Ronaldo's integration in the club.
However, it is Cristiano Ronaldo who keeps on being a matter of headlines, due to his eventual transfer for Spain.
"The Guardian" publishes again the controversial declarations of Sepp Blatter, president of the FIFA. " The modern form of slavery " was how the leader nicknamed the fact of the Manchester of obstructing the transfer of the Portuguese for Real.
" The Sun " already launched even an on-line request to dismiss Blatter of the presidency of the FIFA.
Pub. Nereida Gallardo
Bridal Photography ~ Christy B. Anderson
Bridal Photography~ Christy B. Anderson

Andi Soraya Mesra dengan Pria Lain

Kemesraan itu terlihat di premiere film layar lebar perdana Andi, 'Anda Puas, saya Loyo' di Planet Hollywood, Jl Jenderal Gatot Soebroto, Jakarta Selatan, Selasa (8/7/2008) malam.
Ibu dua anak itu datang bersama dua pria berwajah Arab. Pria pertama tampak seumuran dengan Andi. Ia mengenakan kemeja dan celana putih, rambutnya kelimis disisir ke belakang. Pria kedua terlihat lebih tua.
Bridal Fashion Trends~ Birdcage Veil

Bridesmaid Thank You Gifts
Here is a picture of the note cards and earrings:

A close-up of the earrings:

I purchased these while we were in Maui last November…they're freshwater pearls. I thought that I would get them some sort of pearl jewellery to wear on the of as I was wearing pearls ;) I opted out of matching necklaces because the dresses already have a bead detail around the neckline.
The final element of their gift was a silver necklace from an awesome online company called "Dogeared" www.dogeared.com Each girl got a different necklace - not wedding related ;)
For my sister and Matron of Honour:
For my sister in law and Maid of Honour:
For my sister in law and Bridesmaid:
Once I got back to Ontario I put the gifts into a little gift back and presented them to the 'maids at the Rehearsal Dinner :)
Emilia Contesa : Cepat Atau Lambat Kristina Gugat Cerai

"Sampai kemaren, saya dan Kristina memang masih sering berbagi cerita. Pastinya, untuk masalah pribadinya, Kristina memang selalu sharring," kata Emilia Contesa, 20 menit yang lalu, di Bakmi GM, Pasar Festival Jakata Selatan.
Kristina sudah menganggap Emilia sebagai tempat curhat selain dengan keluargannya sendiri. "Saya ini, orang pertama diluar lingkungan keluarganya yang selalu dijadikan tempat curhat. Mulai dari saat berkenalan dengan Al Amin, suaminya, sampai sekarang ini," ujar Emilia, ibu dari artis, Denada.