Lately I am getting ribbed by my beloved for swathing myself in an angora blanket and thick socks in the evenings. Yes it's still Autumn, and by day we can usually still get away with t-shirts and sandals/jandals, however it's starting to get a bit brisk in the evenings, and I think there's nothing better than snuggling up with blankets and brandy and hot drinks (and chocolate, though that is most definitely not a season-specific vice).
I've just finished sewing Lucy a merino cardigan out of an adult sized jersey that someone shrunk when washing. I cut it up a bit (made the arms shorter from the top to preserve the ribbing at the cuffs, and altered the neckline a little) and added a hot pink vislon zip. It's a long cardigan which will look cool with leggings, so I guess I better make some of those too. Lucy is wearing Winter 08 coats here (still going strong!) and most importantly, her new Winter boots - grey, leather, Country Road. It's a supple leather, and the upper is stitched to the sole (rather than glued, which tends to be the way for kids boots) so they seem durable enough. Sure you can go cheaper (though these were very reasonable for full leather boots) but I only buy one pair of boots each year for Lucy (these are last year's, still being worn too), so cost per wear they work out great.

Audrey got new tights and socks, seen here sporting her bright red cable knit ones (Country Road too). She also got a pale pink and grey fair isle pair. I wish I could show you (they're my favourite) but unfortunately they're already in the wash. I am very tempted to go back for more, they're so darn cute.