
Walking in with my dear father and Lucy...

and walking out, married!

We're waiting on the official photos, so the above photos sent in by thoughtful guests were most welcome.

And a funny story, which may be set aside for Lucy's 21st (well, maybe not):

Myself, my father, my two lovely bridesmaids and Lucy were waiting near the entrance door to the church, just out of sight. We gave the priest the word that we were ready, and off he went to take his position at the front of the church. On the way up he gave the pianists a nod and they started playing beautiful music. Just as were took our first step towards the doorway Lucy exclaimed 'I need to go poos!'. Outstanding timing!!

My sister made a mad dash to the bathroom with Lucy, while we waited nervously. Afterwards Lucy apparently pulled up her stripey knickers and streaked out into the hallway leaving my sister holding her dress! She cried out to Lucy, who coyly laughed upon realising she was mostly naked. Properly attired she rejoined the wedding party and we all did eventually make it up to the priest, and before the music had finished (though I don't know how). Such a romantic wedding tale!