handprint art

Lucy and Audrey and I decided to set to work on a canvas I'd had stored away for some time. I don't like things looking too done, too calculated (a statement which might go some way to explaining my dress sense, not to mention my hair) so decided to hand over artistic direction to Lucy. I did choose the colours though, but playing with pink paint is hardly hardship for Lucy. I like the true randomness which quite possibly only a child is capable of . I know whenever I've attempted to paint in a random manner, it usually ends up looking not so random, a little more planned.

So, voila!, we have a new artwork above our fire place. Mostly Lucy's handprints in varying colours, but also two of mine and one little pink pint-sized one, that being Audrey's chubby little palm.

It might not sell at an auction, but I love it because it has my two girls written all over it.