anyways, when we were planning our wedding, the hubs and i were like "no. matter. what. we have to have good food, ok?"
good food for le bodies.
and our venue delivered. gosh. the food. it was just so good. especially after a few very portion-controlled weeks.
and of course we knew it would be. dude, i'm a VIP member. not joking. (it's free to join.)

photos by max.
p.s. shout out to my beautiful friends d & j who got married over the weekend. one of my fave moments of the night was when the officiant told the groom "she chose YOU...out of 3 BILLION MEN..." it was perfect.
p.p.s. had a little chatsky with dave of temple of groom.
p.p.p.s. i really do love weddings, i think.