#669: ok FINE.


first, everyone is owed a happy friday. because it's friday and therefore it is happy.

second, i'm sorry if you've been checking up on TTO only to find zero updates. i didn't think anyone cared enough to actually get upset about it...but i could see how it could be annoying.

third, so i guess i owe you an explanation.

first, work has been f*ing crazy. more so than ever. so i haven't had time to roam the blogs. i do check them once in a while but then everything i see is 'old news' by the time i want to talk about it. so.

second, i'm in the midst of finishing out my current job and looking for a new job. so i'm busy hunting, interviewing, and hoping to get hired. and the truth of the matter is, this blog doesn't feed me.

third, most of my spare time has been spent helping my parents with their house. their place got DEstroyed a few months back when a pipe broke while they were out of town. everything was gutted and had to be redone...and they are just now finally settling back in. it's been sad and it's been stressful...but we're almost done.

fourth, i want to do wedding recaps (and will do wedding recaps) but i don't have my pictures yet and i want to wait until i get them.

in conclusion, i guess this is me formally announcing that i won't be blogging for a while. until my current situation lets up a bit. i'll post every now and then if i have something mindblowing to share.

'til the next episode, loves.