I don't normally pimp particular companies on this blog, but I'm looking into covering my front yard with self-seeding wildflowers and came across American Meadows, a company that sells regional wildflower seed (including organic and native seed mixes).

On their website they have a whole section dedicated to including wildflowers in your wedding--throwing wildflower seeds instead of bird seed, rice, confetti or giving them as favors. Wildflowers are really easy to grow, so basically, throwing some seeds on the ground in the fall or spring (prime wedding season) could be enough to grow a meadow of wildflowers.
While I don't really condone wedding-specific marketing and we didn't include throwing things or favors in our wedding, I actually think that in our situation throwing wildflower seeds in my parents orchard could have been really nice and would have been a nice reminder of the wedding orchard for years to come.
Have any of you used wildflower seeds in your wedding in this way?