Another opportunity to show off more of our two color letterpress wedding invitations. This design is called "Wild Flower Tapestry" and shows a stitched leaf work with wild thistle flowers on a tapestry background.
The text used on this layout is a stunning contemporary combination of Verdana for the text and Satisfaction for the script and both are printed here in "chocolate" ink though they could be printed in two colors of course.
The text is deeply letterpressed into the world famous Somerset soft cotton paper which yields the best result of any paper we have seen and also has a lovely rich texture.

The wonder of this artwork is the detail as you can see from the close up the tapestry weave comes out so strong and clear.
There is a light letterpress in the pattern too and particularly shows on the border at the top and bottom. Such a shame photography on the web never does justice to the products.
To have one of these in the hand is to truly appreciate this art-form at its best!
The pattern here is displayed using our powder blue ink which works very well with the chocolate ink. There's a whole variety of color combinations that would work just as well.

Of course as with all the Willow Wood Stationery there is a full range of products to go with this invitation style including reply cards, thank you cards, order of service, place tags and many more.
To see this stationery on the website use this link: