Some Brides envision themselves with a tiara in there hair, or a flower or feather, or nothing at all. I however, have always thought of myself as a "veil" girl…not for the symbolic reasons regarding wearing a veil…but for pure aesthetics. When I decided on a veil, some people were surprised that I wasn't going to go for a tiara - the running joke since my 18th birthday has always been referring to me as "Princess Ashley" on special occasions…I know it sounds terrible…but it is actually quite funny. My MOH Meg even ended her speech with a toast to us as : the Groom and "Princess Ashley"…too funny!
There are so many different types f veils to choose from…some with ribbon and beading, some with many layers, short ones, long ones, really, really long ones - you get my drift ;)
I'm really happy with the simple (yet lengthy) veil I choose…it looked lovely in pictures and seemed very "Bridal" to me
Because of the length, I opted to put the veil on myself after leaving the hair salon. Here are some "action" shots of me putting it on…lol:

Ta da!

One thing that is so great about a long veil - in terms of photography - is that you can do so much fun stuff with it:
You can play coy with it:

It can get caught in the wind:

You and your new hubs can hide under it:

It helps to disguise a hairstyle you don't love:

It blows nicely in the breeze:

Just make sure you don't mind when bugs get caught in it, people step on it or it gets snagged on something ;)