The return to the competition of Cristiano Ronaldo will not be able to happen before middle November, in accordance with informations yesterday conveyed by the English press. The extreme, which had the return predicted for the beginning of October, risks to be outside of the lawns for some more weeks.
In accordance to the newspaper ‘ The Sun ‘, Ronaldo played the last three months of the English championship and the Euro ’ 2008 permeated to delay the operation that was subjected in June to the right ankle. Nevertheless, this measure has been delaying the total recuperation of the player of the red devils.
Alex Ferguson, trainer of Manchester United, guaranteed that is no pressure for the quick recuperation of the Portuguese. " It is better to wait more time, in the form to secure what therapy does not follow again to a play. "
With this delay in the recuperation, Cristiano Ronaldo can fail ten plays of the English League and four of the League of the Champions.