It is one of the questions that more discussion has been causing in the last times and one of the recurrent subjects of every time the efficiency is questioned finalizadora of the selection: Must Ronaldo maintain his position of extreme or advance for the axle of the attack? After the first session of work with the players, Carlos Queiroz undid the taboo: " I want that Cristiano is one of the men-goal of the selection. "
It is said. The new national selector knows when the number exaggerated well 7 of Manchester United and has no doubts as for the position that must occupy in field: " It will be. Only I see a position for Cristiano Ronaldo playing. And I wait that he is playing 90 per cent of the play in the advanced line, for five in the half-field and two per cent in the defense, possible. Let's hope be able to mark many goals and other players also. "
There to arrive, Queiroz asks question of creasing the beginnings and whose values does not abdicate: " to guard what is well and to add details to improve "; " merit, attitude, form, technical and potential quality ". Too vague? The selector makes real: " The selection is not a house nor a show with marked places. [The choice cannot be done] on basis of the players who arrive first or who knock at the door ".
This time (and this time is the first convocatória of the ex-assistant of Manchester United), the door was closed for the goalkeeper Ricardo (he was called Quim, Eduardo and Daniel Fernandes) and for Lent, but that does not mean what could not be reopened. Everything depends on the players, creases Queiroz, promising notice of near the value of the football players without attending to the clubs that act.
In eve of the return to the bench of the selection, for a particular play with the islands Feroé (this night, at 20h, in the Municipal Stadium of Aveiro), Carlos Queiroz recognized that what is left in quality of raw material in the deficient selection in time of work. Especially because the plays of the phase of qualification for the World championship of 2010, in the South Africa, begin already in September. Even there, the players will carry out only more two trainings together.
" To re-define the selection ", the technician promises to resort to new solutions - " if ancient solutions to be applied in new problems, one does not evolve " - what they allow the condicionalismos of work exceed the one that is I subject. What the strategy is following? " To reinvent the formula of training without training ".