Well, posts have been a bit scarce of late and we must apologise for that! The fact is Willow Wood is a very busy place and much has happened 'behind the scenes' as they say. but if you've been following our RSS news service you'll know we launched a number of new stationery products (check out the press release) earlier in the year. More of that in other posts shortly, it's time to start updating everyone again and the first item on the agenda is our new 'Wedding Favor Catalogue'. Now before you get too excited and rush right off to the website let me say that only a hand full of products are there just now. There's just too much to do all at once and there's lots of new products coming so just hang in there.
Don't worry though our other wedding favor products are on the way so for now have a look at our ribbon flower almond holders that we've already released. These are Italian style bombonieres and they're absolutely lovely. There's no minmum order either, it just gets better and better. You'll also find at the bottom of the main wedding favor page a four step photo guide to making them. But don't panic, they're ever so easy to do, I promise. They come on a roll like an ordinary roll of ribbon and you just cut the ribbon to length, put your sugared almonds in the pockets and pull the little drawstrings together and tie off. Hey Presto!They look great all layed out on your tables at the reception and of course there's a huge variety of color schemes available (more coming soon) so you're bound to find something to match your theme. Some of them are lacey, some satin ribbon and of course some organza. Anyway let us know what you think and if you've got any special product requests just email us, we want to give you the products you want.