The rules:
Here are the rules: Players list 8 facts/habits about themselves. The rules of the game are posted at the beginning before those facts/habits are listed. At the end of the post, players then tags 8 people by posting their names and makes sure they know they have been tagged by leaving a comment at the tageeās blog.
- The Tall Fella and I have just moved back into our apartment after several decades renovating. On 16 December 2006 we moved into a
local fleapitvalue-priced local motel, expecting to be living there about four weeks. Didn't make sense to get a short-term apartment, now did it? Months and months and months and a kajillion dollars later, we moved back in. Did I mention that our place is 800 square feet and that I now consider it inappropriate for people to casually mention that many builders can construct entire houses - nay, entire developments - in that timeframe? Still, we love it, we really do. There is no joy like moving into a place you've finally made yours - and one of the joys of living in said small fleapit is that our place now seems gigantic. Roomy. Airy. There's still a few dotting of Is and crossing of Ts - Frank the Contractor is working on it as I type - but we really really are nearly finished, almost. - I have Irish and Canadian passports, and am just eligible to apply for US citizenship, which I am going to do as soon as we get a printer at home. I really, really want to vote.
- I went to law school but even though I finished I never did the bar or anything. Instead I moved to London where I started photocopying for British Telecom. Good times.
- I love Americana and if we weren't planning to live in our apartment until they carry us out in a box, I'd mostly love to live in a house in the sticks, where I could rock on the porch with a straw in my mouth and a shotgun across my lap.
- I'm around 5'10, 5'91/2, something like that, but I haven't grown an inch since I was about eleven.
- Once I won Karl Cassell's voice on my home answering machine, but then Verizon wiped the message. Man, was I pissed.
- My name never, ever rhymes with Fiona. It's spelled R-i-o-n-a, but it's pronounced Ma'am.
- My superpower is that I never, ever get a hangover.