Leading up to my Bridal Showers (I had two - one in Ottawa from my Mom's side of the family and one in Wooler from Patrick's side) I was very excited…not really for the presents, but to see my family. This was going to be the first time in several months that I would be seeing my family - and I couldn't wait!
Because we live on the other side of the country, the gifts were mainly gift cards to the store where we registered - which was great :) I don't know if it was because I was majorly overwhelmed with my family's generosity, because I was opening gift cards instead of actual gifts, or if it was because everyone is watching as I opened these gifts, but my Bridal Showers were a pretty emotional experience for me.
Any Bridal Shower that I have attended involved the guests oohhing and aawwing as each gift is opened…often the gift will then get passed around. However, when you are opening mainly gift cards…there is not much for your guests to look at…I found it very awkward…but I also felt very lucky for all of the generous gifs!
I was so overwhelmed, that at one point at my Wooler shower I actually began forgetting the guests names (they were all people that I have spent significant amounts of time with over the last 9 years! How could I forget who was Aunt Judy and who was Aunt Cathy??). I also became very overwhelmed once the gifts were all opened and it was time to say a little impromptu thank you speech - I was literally left speechless, and actually began to well up with tears a little bit - it was not fun (and very embarrassing)! One of my cousin-in-laws noticed and asked me what was wrong, because I usually don't act like this. She was right, I don't normally act that way…I'm usually the one who likes to be in charge…not have the situation in charge of me…very bizarre...
The Bridal Shower experience did make me become a little more aware of myself. I've realized that I love planning, hosting and even being recognized for a job well done. However, I do NOT like being the center of attention! Pretty hard when you are a Bride and people are hosting parties for you!
The whole Bridal Shower thing is a weird experiences in itself. I mean, here I was at my Bridal Showers, receiving tons of gifts for doing absolutely nothing. I didn't feel like I deserved it - it was my choice to get married - nobody was making me…why were they giving me all of these wonderful gifts. It was a very strange feeling. I can even understand the concept of giving a wedding gift…something to commemorate the special occasion for the new married couple - but, the Bridal Showers were a little harder for me to grasp.
In the end I am extremely grateful to all the people who cared so much to host such wonderful Bridal Showers, and to my guests who not only astounded me with their generosity, but took the time to attend an event held especially for me. It is really wonderful to feel so much love in one room.
However, I am SO glad that I NEVER have to experience having a Bridal Shower again!!!
At the actual Showers we played the usual Shower games…bridal word jumble, remember what the Bride is wearing once she's left the room, etc. etc. At the Wooler Shower, the hosts even organized "video advice" - where the guests tape-record advice for me. The wedding week was so busy I still haven't had a change to watch it…the video is back in Ontario, so I'll have to wait until my next visit to see it.
At the Wooler Shower a one of the guests made this FABULOUS Barbie cake - how cool is this? I've *always wanted to have a Barbie cake…and at one of my Showers I finally did - whoot!
One of my favourite things that I took away from the Bridal Showers were these group pictures:
During the shower I passed around a basic white photo mat to those that attended and asked them to sign it. I framed the above two pictures and plan to hang them in our front bedroom upstairs…otherwise known as the "craft/reading/alternate-TV room." Every time I look at the pictures I'm reminded of all the love… :)